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Essential Classroom Cleaning Checklist and Cleaning Products

A clean and hygienic classroom environment is paramount for creating a good learning space for students. An unclean classroom affects the health and well-being of students and teachers through the spread of germs and bacteria, potentially causing illnesses and absences.

To prevent this, adhere to a daily, weekly, and monthly classroom cleaning checklist and use only the right cleaning products to maintain unparalleled cleanliness, leading to a hygienic learning experience.

Here’s a classroom cleaning checklist that helps understand what you may need to do on a daily basis, and what could be done just weekly or monthly. We’ve also added useful recommendations for products essential for keeping your classrooms clean, safe, and hygienic for students and teachers.

Classroom cleaning checklist


  • Pick up waste and move them to either trash or recycling containers
  • Survey across the classroom to ensure items are in their designated places
  • Vacuum carpeted floors
  • Wipe down student and teacher desks with multipurpose surface wipes
  • Disinfect doorknobs, light switches, remote and sink faucets and other common touch surfaces with disinfectant spray
  • Sweep floors with multipurpose floor cleaner


  • Unplug electronic devices and clean them
  • Disinfect low-touched surfaces
  • Dust off shelves and cabinet
  • Clean whiteboards and chalkboards
  • Scrub and dry classroom sinks
  • Wipe down teacher and student chairs with Disinfecting Wipes.
  • Mop or vacuum floors


  • Clean windows and blinds
  • Clean ceiling fans, vents, and sink
  • Toss expired perishables
  • Empty and clean the inside of all desks
  • Empty and clean the inside of all cabinets and cubbies
  • Wash the walls and window screens

Essential classroom cleaning products

You’ll need these classroom cleaning products to keep the germs and diseases at bay throughout the school year.
**Educators can add value to their cleaning and janitorial expenses and build trust and confidence among students and teachers by purchasing cleaning products in bulk from Reckitt Pro Solutions**

  • Hand Sanitizer: It is always nice to have a pump in the classroom that makes high-fives and card games less contagious. Dettol Hand Sanitizer provides a trusted 100% better protection from germs and bacteria.
  • Antibacterial Skin & Surface Wipes: Grabbing Dettol Antibacterial Wipes and tackling a germy mess is so easy. These disinfecting wipes work great on hands, wrists, elbows, and many surfaces, including wood, granite, and stainless steel.
  • Antiseptic Disinfectant (Liquid & Spray): A versatile all-purpose cleaner such as Dettol Antiseptic Liquid or Disinfectant Spray eliminates viruses and bacteria from all surfaces.
  • Air Freshener: A classroom can get stinky for so many reasons. When odors linger, they can become a real distraction. Having an Air freshener that quickly diffuses the odors can make life so much easier—just be sure to check with your students in case anyone is sensitive to scents.
  • Microfiber Cloth: A superior tool for cleaning and germ removal because it can penetrate cracks and crevasses that cotton cloths or paper towels cannot reach.
  • Protective Gloves: You’re on the front lines when things go wrong as a teacher. As a result, you’re more likely to come in contact with germs and bacteria while handling different types of material. Gloves help keep your hands clean and lessen the chances of spreading illnesses among students.
  • Flat Mop: During the day, many things can contribute to the nastiness on your classroom floor. Of course, a traditional broom is also very helpful, but a flat mop can remove small particles even more quicker!

Final Thoughts

Maintaining a clean classroom is crucial for the health and safety of students and teachers alike.
Sticking to a fixed classroom cleaning checklist and using the above cleaning products ensure that the classroom remains clean, hygienic, and fresh-smelling and also promotes a positive and welcoming atmosphere for effective learning throughout the year.


How do you promote cleanliness in the classroom?

Setting up cleaning procedures and educating students about good hygiene habits, making them aware of germs, bacteria, and viruses is the most effective way to promote cleanliness in the classroom and in schools.

How can a classroom cleaning checklist be customized for individual classrooms?

A classroom cleaning checklist can be customized to meet the specific needs of individual classrooms by considering factors such as:

  • Cleaning frequency: Depending on the activity level, the cleaning frequency may need to be adjusted. For example, high-traffic areas such as door handles, light switches, and shared equipment may require more frequent cleaning.
  • Cleaning supplies: The cleaning supplies needed may vary depending on the surfaces and equipment in the classroom. For example, special cleaning supplies may be required to avoid damage if the classroom has whiteboards or computers.
  • Sanitization requirements: Depending on the age group of the students, the sanitization requirements may need to be adjusted. For example, younger students may require more frequent handwashing and disinfection of shared items such as toys or art supplies.
  • Special considerations: Some classrooms may have special concerns that require additional cleaning procedures. For example, a science lab may require specialized cleaning procedures to ensure that equipment is properly sanitized.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when cleaning a classroom?

Common mistakes to avoid when cleaning a classroom include:

  • Lack of training for cleaning staff: Insufficient training for cleaning personnel is a frequent and challenging issue in schools. A training program can help staff perform daily cleaning and disinfection procedures effectively.
  • Not properly ventilating the classroom: Improper ventilation can result in the buildup of harmful chemicals and bacteria in the air, making it harder to breathe and increasing the risk of illness.
  • Using the wrong cleaning products: Some products may contain harsh chemicals that can damage surfaces or cause allergic reactions.
  • Not allowing surfaces to dry after cleaning properly: If surfaces are not air dry or are wiped dry with a dirty cloth, they can become contaminated again. Therefore, it's important to give surfaces enough time to dry completely before using them again.
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